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How to protect large residential condominiums in Mexico

How to protect large residential condominiums in Mexico

With the increase in urban population, a boom in new residential condominiums and the growing demand for security in Mexico, the private security sector has become filled with new options that are added to the solutions provided by traditional security companies.

However, many companies do not have enough experience or are not really trained and updated on how to protect these large areas, which can accommodate thousands of people in a small space, becoming mini cities with their own security needs.

How to choose the best security solution for your condominium or gated community and not die trying? In this article, we explore the most important aspects to consider before suggesting a security system for your condominium.

Transparency and clarity in the security budget

As this report shows, of the 139,000 residential condominiums in Mexico, less than 1.5% are professionally managed. This generates a large increase in defaulters regarding maintenance payments, which often leads to dangerous cuts in security.

Furthermore, the lack of professionalism opens the door to dubious bidding regarding the security of condominiums: many times, administrators end up hand-picking the security company that will take charge of the residential complex without checking its background and, instead, agreeing to a bribe for this contract.

If you can, get involved in these decisions to ensure that, before choosing a security company, at least 3 different quotes are received with customized and specific solutions for your condominium, and that it is not just one person who has the power to make the decision on their own.

Electronic Security Systems

When you are looking for security companies to protect your condominium, keep in mind that, beyond the personnel in the field, they must be able to provide the implementation of an electronic video surveillance service , which is essential for the protection of large residential buildings. These systems may include:

- Surveillance Cameras: Installed in strategic areas, such as entrances, exits and hallways.
- Access Controls: Magnetic cards or biometrics to limit access to restricted areas.
- Intrusion Alarms: To detect and alert about unauthorized access.

TRAINED Security Personnel

Trained security personnel are crucial for surveillance and response to emergency situations. While many companies do not have trained personnel and will, in fact, hire anyone who agrees to wear their uniform for a minimum wage, serious companies only hire trained and experienced personnel, capable of successfully performing various functions such as:

- Camera Monitoring: Monitor in real time the images captured by security cameras.
- Patrolling: Conduct periodic rounds to detect any suspicious activity.
- Emergency Response: Respond quickly to incidents such as fires or theft.

Vehicle Access Control

In times of courier and delivery companies constantly crossing the city, many criminals saw the opportunity to camouflage themselves as delivery people to enter private properties and commit crimes. That is why, today more than ever, vehicle access control is essential to prevent unauthorized entry of vehicles. However, make sure that the security company you are looking to hire is capable of making a truly intelligent filter, instead of checking trunks and documents of daily visitors to your family. Measures can include:

- Security Bars: To control the entry and exit of vehicles.
- Visitor Registration: Maintain a record of all vehicles entering the building.
- Parking Lot Cameras: To monitor parking areas, detect suspicious activities and, above all, have clear EVIDENCE in case someone damages your car.

Community Participation

Encouraging residents' active involvement in building security can significantly increase the effectiveness of the measures implemented. This can be achieved through:

- Community Meetings: To discuss concerns and update on safety measures.
- WhatsApp or Social Media Groups: To maintain fast and effective communication between residents.
- Security Training: Offer workshops on security and crime prevention.

When condominium owners are involved and follow the day-to-day security operations, security companies must respond or withdraw, since this leaves their room for improvisation limited to a minimum: either they comply...or they leave.

Would you like to receive a free and professional security consultation now to improve security in your condominium? Call now at 800 733 4114 and we will be happy to talk to you about how we can help you.

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