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How to Manage Logistics and Shipping in an eCommerce in Mexico in 2025

How to Manage Logistics and Shipping in an eCommerce in Mexico in 2025

Logistics and shipping are fundamental pillars in an eCommerce. In Mexico, security for businesses in this area is essential to maintain customer trust and the integrity of the distribution process. Below, we share key data and our experience in security applied to logistics.

The challenge of logistics in Mexico
Mexico has more than 80 million internet users, which drives the growth of eCommerce. However, logistical challenges such as road infrastructure, high shipping costs and security are obstacles that must be overcome. In fact, around 35% of companies in Mexico suffer from theft problems on distribution routes, affecting both small and large eCommerce platforms.

Outsourcing of storage and shipping

Just as we delegate the storage and distribution of our devices to Melonn , many eCommerce stores of all sizes prefer to outsource the management of their warehouse and shipping.

With a well-configured CRM (we do this through an API in Shopify), you can seamlessly sync your physical inventory with your web inventory. This way, you can sell at any time of day and forget about preparing and executing shipping: automating this process allows you to focus on attracting more traffic and developing better marketing strategies, with the peace of mind that the heavy lifting of selling is in the hands of third parties.

Outsourcing your eCommerce logistics could be a great choice in Mexico in 2024

Safety in the transport of goods
Last mile security is crucial. According to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), robberies to transporters increased by 12% in 2023, generating an inflationary factor and inhibiting nearshoring opportunities.

Implementing real-time monitoring systems can help reduce these risks, allowing constant tracking of shipments and reacting to incidents in real time.

Optimizing shipments and reducing risks
The key to a successful shipping process is to optimize routes and schedules. Using less-traveled routes or scheduling deliveries during lower-risk times are strategies that have shown good results. Companies like Amazon have optimized their deliveries in Mexico with algorithms that analyze safe routes, thus reducing incidents.

Mexico is the second Latin American country with the highest growth in eCommerce, and online sales are expected to exceed 100 billion dollars by 2025. For an online store to grow sustainably, investment in security is crucial. Loss of customer trust following security incidents can drastically impact sales.

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