According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, most burglaries occur when the house is empty. It makes sense: burglars will want to do their thing as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Still, the thought of a break-in when the owners are home is what really keeps many people up at night. That's why making a plan to anticipate this situation can save you precious time when deciding what to do if someone breaks into your home.
Burglars can be creative, and situations can change unexpectedly during a crime, so there is no way to map out exact plans for every eventuality. Planning home defense tactics is not as straightforward as, say, planning for fire safety, where residents can choose which exit they will use based on the location of the fire, since home invasions do not follow a predictable path.
Your first reaction when you realize someone is in your home is panic and adrenaline. That's why having a plan in place in advance can help you stay calm and make the best decisions to protect your home and your family.
What to do in case of intrusion?
1. Stay calm and check for the intruder
If you suspect an intruder has broken into your home, the first thing you'll likely feel is a surge of adrenaline. This is completely normal, but since time is of the essence, try to think with a clear head.
First, make sure there really is an intruder in the house. Take a deep breath and pay attention to the sounds around you. Do you hear footsteps, a door creaking, furniture moving, or glass breaking?
If your home has a security system, check for doorbell notifications or recordings on your security cameras. If possible, look outside your window for other signs of intrusion, such as an unknown vehicle parked near your home or an open fence gate. Make sure the intruder can't see you.
2. Avoid confrontation
Your first instinct after confirming that there is an intruder in your home may be to confront him. However, this is not the best option, as you don't know how the intruder will react to the confrontation. Burglars usually want to get in and out of the house as quickly as possible. If you confront one unexpectedly, they may act violently and unpredictably.
Unless you are a trained professional, avoid picking up a weapon . You could harm yourself or others, and cause unnecessary confusion for emergency services.
In the best case scenario, you won't have to interact with him. But, if face-to-face confrontation is unavoidable, follow these rules:
- Speak in a normal voice and do not make sudden movements.
- Avoid direct eye contact
- Tell him you're going to cooperate
- Let the intruder take what he came for
Remember that it is not worth risking your safety for your belongings or valuables!
Plan A: Leave the house
In the event of a home invasion, the first thing to do is always to try to escape. If you can find a safe exit, do so immediately.
If you have an alarm that has detected the burglar's entry, use an exit that is far from where the intruder entered the house. Alternatively, look for windows that you can use to escape safely. If possible, use a fire escape.
Plan B: Hide in a safe, locked place
If escape is not possible, hiding in an enclosed place is your next best option.Try to gather everyone else in the house and lock yourselves in a bedroom, bathroom or even a closet. Lock the door and barricade yourself with a heavy piece of furniture or by covering a chair behind the doorknob.
Call the police
As soon as you have escaped from your home or are hiding, call emergency services immediately. Some mobile phones allow you to send messages or automatically call someone in an emergency. Not all phones are capable of this, so be sure to check with your phone manufacturer for details.
When you contact emergency services, always give your name and address. If something happens and you can't finish the call, at least they'll know where to go.
Next, be sure to give the emergency operator as many details as possible. Try to be concise. You will be asked to answer a couple of questions about the nature of your emergency. Provide details about your appearance, clothing, vehicle, and whether you are armed.
Keep quiet and wait
Follow the emergency operator's instructions. Answer any follow-up questions as calmly and concisely as possible.Do not leave the safe location until you confirm the presence of police with the 911 operator. Stay on the line until you are told that police have arrived at the scene.
Try to memorize all the details
If you have seen the intruder, memorize every detail, such as:
- Sex
- Weight
- Stature
- Clothes
- Vehicle and the direction in which he fled.
Don't forget to write down anything that was broken or stolen during the incident. This will help you file a detailed report.
How to protect your home from intrusions?
The above guidelines should help you choose the best course of action if a burglar breaks into your home.
However, intruders are unpredictable by nature. Preventive measures are therefore the best defence against home intrusions. Read on for our tips on how to prepare in advance for a potential break-in.
1. Make your home less attractive to intruders
Most burglars want to get in and out of a home quickly and with as many stolen items as possible. They generally avoid homes where they could easily get caught, so make sure your home doesn't look like an easy target.
Firstly, it is certainly worth considering installing a professional security system. According to a recent study, approximately 83% of intruders first try to determine if there are signs of increased security. These could include measures such as outdoor cameras and other home surveillance systems.
In addition, 60% indicated that they would choose another target if they found an alarm. 50% would immediately escape if they found an alarm during the robbery.
Add outdoor lighting and upgrade doors, windows and locks to deter potential intruders. Install blinds or curtains on windows to block out valuables.
2. Let us take care of your house so you don't have to
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