In Mexico, ensuring security in a company is essential to protect assets, employees and customers.
In a country with 5.5 million businesses (98.7% of which are SMEs), implementing appropriate measures to prevent theft, vandalism and other risks is not only essential for the security of the companies themselves, but is also essential to keep Mexico's economy afloat.
Below are 10 essential measures to strengthen the security of your business:
1. Installing a Video Intercom
Using a video intercom allows you to verify the identity of visitors before allowing them in. This technology not only improves access control, but also records images that can be useful in the event of incidents.
2. Surveillance Cameras
Place cameras in strategic locations such as entrances, storage areas and parking lots. Opt for models with remote access to monitor in real time from anywhere.
3. Access Control Systems
Implement electronic controls such as cards or fingerprints to restrict entry to authorized personnel only. The Cuid App, thanks to its advanced business functions , allows monitoring of entry and exit times, breaks, and unusual movements of employees, as well as recording every detail of deliveries from suppliers.
Likewise, Magnetic Sensors for care doors also allow avoiding micro-thefts from refrigerators or shelves with merchandise placed on the street, a security solution that has already been implemented by numerous pharmacies in Mexico.
4. Anti-theft alarms
Alarms connected to a monitoring center offer an immediate response to any intrusion attempt, whether or not you are monitoring your security app. This feature gives cuid a great advantage over, for example, traditional security systems such as ADT or Prosegur , as well as Nest, Ring, and other home security devices used by small businesses.
5. Adequate Outdoor Lighting
Keep outdoor areas well-lit to deter suspicious activity at night. Cuid's Pro Outdoor Camera, for example, features a powerful auto-spotlight designed to scare away unwanted visitors during closing hours.
It also has a two-way audio function that allows you to talk to visitors and alert them that they are being recorded if they act suspiciously in front of your business door.
6. Personnel Training in Security
Educate employees on safety protocols, hazard detection and emergency management.
7. Cyber Security
Protect business information with firewalls, antivirus, and strong passwords to prevent cyberattacks. These services can be very expensive, but if you handle payment information and sensitive private customer data, we recommend finding the best solution that fits what you can afford to invest to protect your business.
8. Hiring Private Security
If your company handles high values or large volumes of merchandise, consider hiring trained security guards who can be present during merchandise and capital transportation hours.
9. Protection of Documents and Data
Keep your most important documents in safes and digitally back up sensitive information: a sudden robbery or even a fire can leave unrecoverable papers at any time, so, just in case, always back up everything you can in the cloud!
10. Emergency Drills
Conduct drills to prepare staff for situations such as fires, earthquakes or robberies.
Implementing these measures, including a video intercom, can make a difference in the security of your company.
At cuid, we offer advanced technological solutions to protect your business in a comprehensive manner. Contact us and secure your business!